Priyanka Chopra is doing her bit amid coronavirus pandemic. The actress, who is stationed in Los Angeles with her husband Nick Jonas, has announced that she will donate $100,000 in total to aid women who have been working in the industry amid this crisis or serving in security forces. In a video, Priyanka Chopra said, “I hope you all are safe, this is a crazy time.” Talking about the campaign, she wrote, “Our worlds changed quickly, and needless to say, we couldn’t go forward with our original plans to launch this campaign. So, each week I’ll go live with @bonvivspikedseltzer to share the stories of four women who are overcoming the struggles of our new realities in their own powerful way. If you know a woman we should highlight, visit the link in my bio for the next steps. We are all in this together. #togetherwomenrise #partner.” “We will be donating $100,000 in total to women who are rising above everything during this crisis. If you know a woman we should highlight, share her st...