In October, it was being reported that Apne 2 was on cards. The actors Dharmendra, Sunny Deol, and Bobby Deol were set to reunite for this sequel. Now, joining them is Karan Deol as the three-generation of Deols are set to embark on a new journey. While Apne released in 2007, the sequel is set for Diwali 2021 release. This Guru Nanak Jayanti just got more special, when the makers and the family decided to announce its sequel with the blessings of Guru Nanak. Now, 14 years later, the team is up for an encore. Joining the terrific trio this time will be Sunny's elder son Karan Deol! Sunny Deol, on Monday, took to Twitter, to announce the film. “Babaji ke aashirwaad aur aapke pyaar ki wajah se aaj hum vapas ek sath nazar aayenge. Feeling blessed to get a chance to work with my father, brother again this time with my son. #Apne2, in cinemas Diwali 2021,” he wrote. Babaji ke aashirwaad aur aapke pyaar ki wajah se aaj hum vapas ek sath nazar aayenge. Feeling blessed to get a chance ...