As the global star, Priyanka Chopra, gears up for her Hollywood release The Matrix Resurrections , the actress recently made an appearance on InStyle's Ladies First With Laura Brown to talk about her career, marriage, and more. During the conversation, the actress spoke about the unrealistic beauty standards and how she fell for equity on lighter skin. A few years ago, Priyanka Chopra faced backlash for promoting fairness creams pretty early on in her career, which she regrets. “There were so many unrealistic beauty standards. Being ridiculously skinny was one, which I didn’t think about in my 20s, because I had a crazy metabolism at that point, as you do. But more than that, the equity on lighter skin in Asia, for sure. That’s something that I fell for. The fact that you have to be perfect, your face has to be perfect, your hair has to be perfect, you have to dress perfect, speak perfect, you have to have the right opinion on everything, you have to say the right thing. I think ...