Alia Bhatt is the latest celebrity to weigh in on the ongoing debate of north vs south cinema. Over the past few months, south films have done exceptionally well while Hindi films are facing trouble when it comes to box office. But, the actress says regardless of the language, if the film's content is good, it will be appreciated by the audience. Alia Bhatt, whose last film Gangubai Kathiawadi worked well at the box office, spoke to Indian Express and said, “It’s a tough year for Indian cinema. We should be a little kind to Hindi films. Today, we are sitting here and saying, ‘Oh Bollywood, oh Hindi cinema…’. But are we counting the films that have done well this year? Even in the south industry, all their films have not worked. Some of the films have worked, and they are very good films. But similarly over here, starting with my film, Gangubai Kathiawadi, have worked and done very well.” The actress admitted that the film industry is recovering from the losses faced during the...