The Delhi High Court on Thursday restrained 23 “rogue websites” from illegally distributing, streaming, hosting retransmitting, exhibiting and downloading the upcoming Akshay Kumar starrer Ram Setu , in order to curb piracy. The producer had filed a suit for copyright infringement. “Defendants No. 1 to 23 (rogue websites) and all others acting for and/or on their behalf are restrained from in any manner hosting, streaming, retransmitting, exhibiting, making available for viewing and downloading, providing access to and/or communicating to the public, displaying, uploading, modifying, publishing, updating and/or sharing (including to its subscribers and users) on their websites through the internet or any other platform, the film ‘Ram Setu’ and contents related thereto, so as to infringe the Plaintiff’s exclusive rights and copyrights therein, till the next date of hearing,” the court ordered, as reported by Bar and Bench. Single-judge Justice Jyoti Singh passed the order stating the...