Actress Sonia Kashyap, known for her work in the show Kismat Connection on Sahara One, allegedly fell victim to a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by an imposter posing as renowned television producer Rajan Shahi, the mastermind behind popular TV serials Anupamaa and Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Sonia, hailing from a small district in Assam, shared her harrowing experience of being scammed out of more than Rs 50,000 by individuals claiming to offer her acting opportunities. According to a report by Free Press Journal, Sonia, currently residing in Goregaon, Mumbai, filed a complaint with the local police, narrating her unfortunate encounter with the scammer. Seeking auditions and acting roles, she stumbled upon a phone number and a Facebook link that supposedly belonged to Rajan Shahi. These contacts led her to a post mentioning casting calls for popular serials, including Anupamaa, and claimed to be associated with Shahi's production company, Director's Kut Productions. The imp...