Last week, Bollywood Hungama reported that the upcoming Akshay Kumar film, OMG Oh My God 2, has faced a little hindrance, thanks to the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). The Examining Committee (EC) of the CBFC referred the film to the Revising Committee (RC). As per reports, the decision was taken as OMG Oh My God 2 deals with religious issues and the committee wanted to make sure that it doesn’t hurt any sentiments. Reportedly, the CBFC is over-cautious about such films after they got slammed for passing Adipurush with zero cuts, whose dialogues and scenes raised a hue and cry. Bollywood Hungama has now exclusively learnt that the screening for the Revising Committee will take place today, that is, on Monday, July 17. Prasoon Joshi, the chairperson of the CBFC, will be a part of this screening. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “Usually, the Chief Executive Officer of the CBFC, Ravinder Bhakar, awards the certificate. His signature is seen...