Aman Preet Singh, the brother of star Rakul Preet Singh, was detained in Hyderabad along with four others for allegedly using cocaine. After raid on a flat in Hydershakotla in Narsingi, Telangana police said, "We seized 199 grams of cocaine worth ₹ 35 lakh, two passports, two bikes, 10 cell phones and other incriminating material from their possession." The Telangana Anti Narcotics Bureau, Cyberabad Police's Special Operations Team (SOT), and Rajendranagar Police detained five drug dealers, including two Nigerians, for distributing cocaine to high-profile clientele in the city. Avinash Mohanty, the Cyberabad Commissioner of Police, stated that Aman is one of those clients. Five of the 13 users were detained, and all five had positive cocaine tests on their urine samples. Aniketh, Prasad, Aman, Madhu, and Nikhil are the five individuals detained. "It is an ardent request from Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau to the youth/students not to fall prey to drugs and req...