Popular production designer Rajat Poddar, who has worked on films like Life In A Metro, Kites, Gunday, Pyaar Ka Punchnama, Dream Girl, War, Satyaprem Ki Katha, Dream Girl 2, The Railway Men, Fighter, and several others, passed away, according to recent reports. While the popular art and production designer is working on many of the forthcoming big budget entertainers, he was expected to have been in London when he suffered a cardiac arrest. However, further details on his sudden demise are yet to be revealed. Directors like Anees Bazmee and Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri have confirmed his demise. Filmmaker Anees Bazmee revealed in a recent report that he was closely working with Rajat Poddar on his upcoming horror comedy Bhool Bhulaiyya 3. In fact, he expressed shock over his sudden demise in a news report stating that he spoke to Rajat, just a day ago, on Friday evening. He went on to add that he was in London and during their phone conversation they also discussed about the recently releas...