Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan's directorial debut, the highly anticipated web series Stardom, began the shoot in Goa in April 2024. According to a reliable source, as reported by Bollywood Hungama, filming kicked off this Friday, April 19th, in Goa. Adding to the star power, the source hinted that Bobby Deol was also expected to join the shoot for the final few days of filming. Now, there’s another update that Khan has begun his last leg of shoot. As per a report in Mid-day, sources suggest the young director recently took over the expansive Royal Palms in Goregaon for a five-day filming schedule. The team is aiming to wrap up filming by the end of May if all goes according to plan. The source shed light on the project's fast-paced progress, “Aryan was shooting all through April, the locations changing from a studio in Andheri East to Madh Island, and now Royal Palms. The shoot will go on at the Goregaon venue till the end of the week before moving to another location. Simu...
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